10/15/2015 2 Comments MEET Mervin the ChihuahuaMervin is a 5 year old rescue from the ASPCA in New York City. He was a spokes dog for the national spay/neuter campaign this year and he also helped tie in the #gettough dog campaign against fighting. During his stay at the ASPCA Mervin had both of his knees surgically repaired and all of his teeth removed due to severe dental disease. He was found in East Harlem and was brought into the shelter as an emaciated stray. Mervin was in the shelter for 3 months before he found his forever home. Without any teeth, his tongue always hangs out, which has contributed to his celebrity status! Mervin’s mission is to raise awareness to all of the helpless furry friends battling with abuse and homelessness. Find out more about Mervin and his mission on his website www.mervinthechihuahua.com. or on Facebook.com/mervinthechihuahua Follow Mervin On Instagram @MervinTheChihuahua