7/31/2015 0 Comments Mutts Matter -great Ways to celebrate & help mixed breed dogs for national Mutt Day!!!By: Brie Strohmeyer Move over pure breed pups, today is all about the mixed up Mutts! July 31st is National Mutt Day, a day to not only celebrate the mix breed dogs among us, but also to call attention to the high number of the genetically diverse pooches in shelters and rescues across the nation and the world. This special day, which is biannual in it’s observance, and also celebrated on December 2nd of each year, was created by Pet and Lifestyle Expert and Animal Welfare Advocate, Colleen Paige. Having a designated Mutt day is a perfect way to remind us that it doesn’t matter the pedigree of our four-legged friends but the happiness and joy they bring to our lives that make them so special. Celebrities like Hilary Swank, Jane Lynch, Bradley Cooper and Miranda Lambert all know the joys of having rescued mix breeds. Don't miss out on the fun, here are a few ideas of how you can celebrate and help the mixed mutts among us today. ![]() 1) SHARE Post your #NationalMuttDay photos and messages on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Don’t have a Mutt to share, get your Friday feel good on by browsing and liking everyone else’s posts. These adorable pics are sure to leave you with the warm fuzzies. ![]() 1) WALK Download the Walk for a Dog App by Wooftrax. This interactive app, created by Doug Hexter, helps you raise money for dogs in the shelter of your choice simply by taking your dog for a walk! Don’t have a dog, don’t worry you can still use the app and take Cassie, the virtual dog, for a walk to raise money! In addition to raising money you’ll also be giving you and your dog a good health boost too! The Walk for a Dog App is available throughout North America for iOS and Android. ![]() 1) SHOP Purchase DOG for DOG’s Dog treats for your favorite dog. The Buy One Give One company always donates an identical bag to a rescue or shelter in your area. Check out dogfordog.com to find a retailer in your area. 1) VOLUNTEER Many of our animal shelters and rescues need supplies and dollars, but they also need helping hands. Check out your local organizations and see if you can lend a hand.
2) ADOPT Of course the best thing you could do is give a loving mutt a new home! There are hundreds of amazing mixed pups waiting for new homes, why not pick today to go find your new BFF! Happy National Mutt Day Everyone!
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